Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Let Me In, aka Bureaucracy (In)action

I've been trying to get on to the State Plumbing Board website to pay for the renewal of Jimmy's plumbing license. Page not found is all I get. This is frustrating. The plumbing board wants plumbers to renew licenses online instead of by mail. They say this will be easier and faster. Right, if I could get in.

In the infinite wisdom of the state of Texas, the Plumbing Board has been revamped. More efficient, less expensive they say. So how come the price of licenses keep going up? Last year it was $175, this year $198. The board cut staff in a move to cut costs and streamline the process of the Boards work. So, as a result, the Board incourages plumbers to renew their licenses one-line. Real timesaver there guys. How can I renew the license if I can't get on your site! Let me in, I'll be glad to pay your renewal fee! It's hard to pay for it if I can't get there!

Snail mail is not encouraged because the board says it will take longer for plumbers to get their licenses. A week to 10 days as apposed to 3 to 5 days on-line. Bureaucracy in action, or should I say inaction. Government, don't ya just love it!