Monday, April 21, 2008

Bordom, a Caladium and a Robin's Egg

This weekend bordered on boredom. Taxes had been done and I sent the feds their money. We went grocery shopping. I discovered a grocery gift coupon in my purse so our $70 bill was only $50. How do two people spend $70 for one week at the grocery store? I guess I will never figure that out. Jimmy either played poker or slept most of the week-end.

Of course most of the movies that were on tv were either not my taste or I had already seen. The Rockets lost the first game of the playoffs. I didn't watch so I didn't really care. Of course then I attempted to watch the Astros who lost again Saturday. Then Sunday I barely looked at the game but when I did, they were behind. Suddenly they were ahead. Then they put the closer in. Hide my desperation. Ah, relief, the closer did not blow the game!

But, in true form hope springs eternal. While waiting patiently(?) for Daisy to decide which blade of grass she would choose to use for her business, I discovered an empty robin's egg. I picked it up. It still amazes me how fragile they are. Of course that made me look around to see if I could see a next. But, I did not find one and I made a dove and a grackle mad in the process.

Finally Daisy finished her journey around the building. As we walked back to the door something else caught my eye. One lone caladium had popped up in the little(make that miniscule) garden area in front of our unit. The soil there is not very good. When we first moved in it was overgrown with airplain plants. In order to plant some flowers I had dug them out. Unfortunately all of the flowers I planted had died. I had decided not to even bother this year. So, when I saw this one little plant waving at me I could not help but feel hopeful. Now, should I get some more plants? Well...maybe I shouldn't push my luck.


cube said...

I guess I'm strange, but after all the stress during the week, I relish boring weekends. To just lie by the pool and not have to be anywhere or chauffer my kids someplace, is heaven for me.