Monday, November 14, 2005

Clean up your shit, dog!

Not again. I just stepped in poop. I just let Daisy outside for about 20 to 30 minutes. She came, ran upstairs and pooped. Grrr... what is it with this dog. I have to keep her penned up at night because she will do her thing. I let her out the first thing in the morning. She'd rather come back inside and antagonist Lady. As the Diva of the house Lady will have none of this. I am begining to think that the previous owner did not try to housebreak Daisy. So far, she is resisting any efforts to learn. Positive reinforcement and rewards dont seem to do the trick. She goes out side several times a day. I have limited her feeding to morning and nothing after 4 pm. If I leave the house for more than an hour she will leave me a package as if to say "How dare you leave me" I hope she gets the message soon. Housebreaking this puppy is going nowhere. When Mama isnt happy, no one is happy. Daisy, get with the program. Watch Lady, she knows what to do. Learn to take care of your own shit.


Constance Squared said...

Have you considered crate training her? That really really helps with the housebreaking, plus it gives them their own safe little corner to retreat to when they want to. It can be rough at first, so start on a weekend!

cube said...

I have 4 cats & a German Shepherd, so my life revolves around poop, too. I can empathize.

Bone said...

My only advice is, don't give up. I have friends who started out trying to housebreak their dogs. Eventually, they gave up. Now, it's two years later, and when I visit, there is almost always a surprise or two somewhere on the floor. Not good. Especially with a one-year-old toddling around. I think maybe we need to do an intervention.