Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Do You Really Want To Hurt Me?

What was he thinking? The judge says, have Boy George clean the streets of New York City. Did he really expect the guy to be able to do this without a mob scene? With all the photographers and reporters following him around, how can he get anything done. I'm not saying the the "Culture Club" singer should be given preferential treatment, but the judge had to know there would be havoc on the streets. Surely there has to be something else that would be appropriate punishment. What a mess.


Lori's Minute said...

Totally agree with you 100 percent

LET'S TALK said...

I could not believe that a Judge could do such a non thoughtful thing to Boy George.

Was this to embarrass him or what?

Did this judge not like "Do you really want to hurt me".

Was it that maybe he just don't like George's way of life?

What Jill, would make this judge do such a thing?

Pixie said...

I heard Boy George wanted to teach but he said no because of his makeup?? I don't disagree with what the judge was thinking; but you are right in that it's going to be a mob scene & the poor other people who have to work with him. I wonder if he will do his makeup for work??